
对: Please wait behind the white line. 36: 你的房子上火险了吗? 错: Is your house insured for fire? 对: Is your house insured against fire? 36: 她是第一名。 错: She was first prize. 对: She took first prize. 37: 昨晚我没有写日记。 错: Last night I d...

The first batch of bikes provided by the government for public use in Beijing have proved popular with residents and are expected to boost the use of public transport in the city. "More than 200 residents called to inquire, and 130 registered to us...

【wait for】 地址:化龙池与大古道巷交叉口北150米 营业时间:17:00-次日02:00 一家三层的清吧,二楼有露天阳台,三楼有大包厢可以点歌K歌。 线路三:长沙怎么这么好吃? 坡子街 交通:地铁可...

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